'Etc'에 해당되는 글 115건

  1. [펌] Demo of MongoDB Text Search and Hashed Shard Keys
  2. [펌] MongoSV Video; MongoDB Performance Tuning
  3. 병렬플랜 vs 멀티쓰레드 같은 의미인데~ 흠..
  4. MongoDB Evening Day in Seoul 2012
  5. Mongo query translator
  6. MongoDB, Hadoop and humongous data at MongoSV 2012 1
  7. flags...
  8. MongoDB Advanced Schema Design - Inboxes
  9. [펌] Identifying Hot and Cold Data in Main-Memory Databases
  10. TechPlanet 의 몽고DB, Redis, mysql 로그 수집~ 발표 2


몽고DB 프로파일링 하는 설명과, 구문 튜닝 등등 튜닝 기법 소개 

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Parallel Query Execution.pdf


※ 2013.02.18

주디아줌마) 병렬로 풀리더라도 아래와 같은 몇가지 이슈가 나오면 시리얼 플랜으로 풀린다.

Forcing a Parallel Query Execution Plan


Parallelism-Inhibiting Components

There are many things that prevent parallelism, either because they make no sense in a parallel plan, or because the product just does not support them yet.  Some of these force the whole plan to run serially, others require a ‘serial zone’ – a part of the plan that runs serially, even though other parts may use multiple threads concurrently.

That list changes from version to version, but for example these things make the whole plan serial on SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1:

  • Modifying the contents of a table variable (reading is fine)
  • Any T-SQL scalar function (which are evil anyway)
  • CLR scalar functions marked as performing data access (normal ones are fine)
  • Random intrinsic functions including OBJECT_NAMEENCYPTBYCERT, and IDENT_CURRENT
  • System table access (e.g. sys.tables)

Inconveniently, the list of intrinsic functions is quite long and does not seem to follow a pattern.  ERROR_NUMBER and @@TRANCOUNT also force a serial plan, @@ERROR and@@NESTLEVEL do not.  The T-SQL scalar function restriction is also a bit sneaky.  Any reference to a table with a computed column that uses such a function will result in a serial plan, even if the problematic column is not referenced in the query.

These query features are examples that require a serial zone in the plan:

  • TOP
  • Sequence project (e.g. ROW_NUMBER, RANK)
  • Multi-statement T-SQL table-valued functions
  • Backward range scans (forward is fine)
  • Global scalar aggregates
  • Common sub-expression spools
  • Recursive CTEs

MongoDB Evening Day in Seoul 2012

'Etc' 카테고리의 다른 글

[펌] MongoSV Video; MongoDB Performance Tuning  (0) 2013.01.08
병렬플랜 vs 멀티쓰레드 같은 의미인데~ 흠..  (0) 2012.12.24
Mongo query translator  (0) 2012.12.13
MongoDB, Hadoop and humongous data at MongoSV 2012  (1) 2012.12.10
flags...  (0) 2012.12.07

Mongo query translator

기존 SQL을 mongoDB Query로 변환해주는 툴이 있네요^^



'Etc' 카테고리의 다른 글

MongoDB Evening Day in Seoul 2012  (0) 2012.12.17
Mongo query translator  (0) 2012.12.13
flags...  (0) 2012.12.07
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[펌] Identifying Hot and Cold Data in Main-Memory Databases  (0) 2012.12.05


원본 링크 : http://searchsqlserver.techtarget.com/feature/Trace-flags

Skip Startup Stored Procedures (4022) : 시작 프로시져를 스킵

This is a handy trace flag for troubleshooting. It forces SQL Server to skip startup stored procedures. This is especially useful if a stored procedure has been altered and causes harm to your system. After you set this trace flag, you can then debug the stored procedure and set it back to its original state.

Ignore All Index Hints (8602) 모든 인덱스 힌트를 무시 

Trace flag 8602 is a commonly used trace flag to ignore index hints that are specified in a query or stored procedure. This is a fantastic option when you're trying to determine if an index hint is hurting more than helping. Rather than rewriting the query, you can disable the hint using this trace flag and rerun the query to determine if SQL Server is handling the index selection better than the index hint.

Disable Locking Hints (8755) 락 힌트를 비활성화

Trace flag 8755 will disable any locking hints like READONLY. By setting this, you allow SQL Server to dynamically select the best locking hint for the query. If you feel the query's locking hint may be hurting performance, you can disable it and rerun the query.

Disable All Other Hints (8722) 모든 힌트를 비활성화

Lastly, the 8722 trace flag will disable all other types of hints. This includes the OPTION clause.

원본 링크  : http://www.sqlservergeeks.com/blogs/AmitBansal/sql-server-bi/663/sql-server-did-you-know-about-trace-flag-4136

So what about Trace Flag 4136 ? 

(Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Cumulative Update 2, SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Cumulative Update 7 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 (SP3) Cumulative Update 9 introduce trace flag 4136)

While OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN disables parameter sniffing at query level, trace flag 4136 disables parameter sniffing at instance level. Which means, no parameter sniffing for that instance – all queries/workloads for all databases get affected with this.

trace 8649

요즘은 몽고DB보다 mysql에 관심이 더 가는 관계로 몽고디비를 조금 소흘이하고 있다.


Identifying Hot and Cold Data in Main-Memory Databases

파일 링크 http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/176690/ColdDataClassification-icde2013-cr.pdf

Main memories are becoming sufficiently large that most OLTP databases can be stored entirely in main memory, but this may not be the best solution. OLTP workloads typically exhibit skewed access patterns where some records are hot (frequently accessed) but many records are cold (infrequently or never accessed). It is more economical to store the coldest records on secondary storage such as flash. As a first step towards managing cold data in databases optimized for main memory we investigate how to efficiently identify hot and cold data. We propose to log record accesses – possibly only a sample to reduce overhead – and perform offline analysis to estimate record access frequencies. We present four estimation algorithms based on exponential smoothing and experimentally evaluate their efficiency and accuracy. We find that exponential smoothing produces very accurate estimates, leading to higher hit rates than the best caching techniques. Our most efficient algorithm is able to analyze a log of 1B accesses in sub-second time on a workstation-class machine.

'Etc' 카테고리의 다른 글

flags...  (0) 2012.12.07
MongoDB Advanced Schema Design - Inboxes  (0) 2012.12.07
TechPlanet 의 몽고DB, Redis, mysql 로그 수집~ 발표  (2) 2012.11.28
SQL AZURE 경험  (0) 2012.11.26
trace flags...  (0) 2012.11.23

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'Etc' 카테고리의 다른 글

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[펌] Identifying Hot and Cold Data in Main-Memory Databases  (0) 2012.12.05
SQL AZURE 경험  (0) 2012.11.26
trace flags...  (0) 2012.11.23
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