SQL PASS 2013 자료

http://www.sqlskills.com/sql-server-resources/sql-server-demos/ Paul 자료
http://www.sqlpass.org/summit/2013/PASStv.aspx?watch=AWFg6KdVoh4 Pass TV
http://www.sqlpass.org/summit/2013/Sessions/Schedule.aspx  <-- 여기보시면 알겠지만, 모두 오픈한 건 아니네요.. ㅠㅠ 아쉽다.

http://www.passboutique.com/summit-2013.html  PASS2013 레코딩 구매 페이지가 올라왔네요^^

PASS Summit (October 14-18, 2013, Charlotte, US)
Precon: Practical Disaster Recovery Techniques (Paul) Demo Scripts
Session: Waits, Latches, and Spinlocks: Internals and Analysis (Paul) Demo Scripts
Session: Index Fragmentation: Internals, Analysis, and Solutions (Paul) Demo Scripts
Session: Skewed Data, Poor Cardinality Estimates, and Plans Gone Bad (Kimberly) Demo Scripts

  • Note: These are v1 demo scripts; Kimberly will blog future updates. If/when she does – we’ll add a link here.

Session: Making the Leap from Profiler to Extended Events (Erin) Demo Scripts
Precon: Scaling SQL Server 2012 (Glenn) Demo Scripts
Session: Storage Subsystem Basics (Glenn) Demo Scripts
Session: Professor DMV (Glenn) Demo Scripts
Session: SQL Server Archaeology: Dig into the Past with system_health Jonathan) Demo Scripts